Cleaning the Urban Built Environment

Clean, sanitary public spaces and neighbourhoods that are attractive, with minimal odours and noise, contribute to the well-being of urban residents and users.

Samsic's subsidiaries are specializing in the protection and cleaning of building façades. We keep spaces clean by preventing vandalism and graffiti on building façades and street furniture. All these operations help increase the attractiveness of cities.

To control visual pollution, our specialists deliver solutions tailored to all types of surfaces, even the most fragile.

By constantly seeking out innovative and environmentally friendly techniques and products, we are able to offer our customers high-performance, sustainable, green solutions.

Experts in cleaning and treating mineral surfaces and concrete

Samsic Agents are experts in cleaning and treating mineral surfaces and concrete. Thanks to our expertise in all types of surfaces, we can offer you the best techniques for your surfaces, such as powder blasting, for example.

Powder blasting is a special technique that consists of spraying a mixture of water and fine abrasives onto the facades at low pressure. This gentle, environmentally friendly process protects the most sensitive facades, and is very effective on concrete, stone, brick and wood.

Cleaning the Urban Built Environment
Cleaning the Urban Built Environment

Care and maintenance plays a key role in the life cycle of engineering structures and buildings over time

Samsic offers a wide range of dedicated services:

  • Cleaning of facades
  • Degreasing of facades
  • Graffiti removal
  • Permanent graffiti protection
  • Stain treatment for floors
  • Anti-slip treatment for floors
  • Floor stripping and renovation
  • Cleaning of fragile surfaces
  • Paint stripping
  • Poster removal
  • Moss prevention.